Platinum Demolition is one of Perth WA’s leading internal decommissioning and demolition companies for internal strip outs. Established in 2005, we have a reputation for Health and Safety, Quality and Innovation.
Central Location
Our centrally located Office is in Wattle Grove. Enabling us to cover both North and South of the River.
Our Projects
Platinum Demolition has a fantastic reputation within the demolition industry. We have won numerous industry and client projects and have successfully completed a portfolio of challenging projects, for example:
2007 - Westralia Square – Six Floors for Oaklane Projects, Scope Interiors an IBS.
2010 - Bank West Tower – Six Levels (back to base build) for IBS
2012 - 668 Murray Street complete internal strip out of four floors for Fox United Buildings
2011 – 2013 – Parmelia House – 16 Levels of Ablution Block Strip outs for Multitech Engineering.
This is just a small example of our work carried out for our valued client base;
Developers, Main Contractors, Local Authorities and Major Government Organizations
Complete Solution
Our organisation uses companies such as All Earth Pty Ltd Waste Management (a fully integrated waste management solution and concrete crushing services) and Sims metal.
Sims Metal Management operates the leading metal recycling companies in Australia.
Together we offer a complete solution which represents significant cost savings and added value to our clients.
Social Responsible
Platinum Demolition is aware of our Social Responsibility; we are committed to the protection of the environment and are constantly looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
Safety first
Health, safety and environmental awareness takes precedent on all our projects. Our practice is to provide a safe and environmentally considerate demolition project. Our philosophy of continual improvement is supported by successfully achieving and maintaining internationally recognized accreditation, in OHS, Blue Card, SWMS.